Frantz Nursery Crop Photos

Product: JAPO05
Botanical Name: Jasminum polyanthum - staked
Common Name: Evergreen Pink Jasmine Vine
Product Size: #05
Category: VINES

Evergreen, rapid growing vine with fragrant white- pink flowers. Prune to control after bloom. Sun/ tolerates some shade. Regular water.

Crop #172128, Location 7-2, Available 2023-10, Notes: 32x10

Product: SOJA05
Botanical Name: Solanum jasminoides Staked
Common Name: Solanum jasminoides Staked
Product Size: #05
Category: VINES

Beautiful shrubby climber blooms spring through late summer. Fast grower, covers fences and arbors Partial to Full Sun, Zones 8,9,12-24

Crop #175086, Location 7-1, Available 2024-07, Notes: 38x8

Product: TRJS05
Botanical Name: Trach. jasminoides - staked
Common Name: Trach. jasminoides - staked
Product Size: #05
Category: VINES

Already climbing vining star jasmine. Fragrant white flowers and shiny green leaves. Fast grower. Sun/part shade. Regular water.

Crop #166905, Location 16-6, Available 2023-03, Notes: 3.5x1

Crop #170941, Location 1-17, Available 2023-09, Notes: 32x10

Crop #171526, Location 16-6, Available 2023-10, Notes: 3.5x1