Frantz Nursery Crop Photos

Product: CEDE72
Botanical Name: Cedrus deodara
Common Name: Deodar Cedar
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

65'x40' tall and wide. Evergreen, conical shaped cedar. Fast grower. Soft, light texture. Tolerates sun, heat, and wind. Regular,deep water.

Crop #178479, Location 17-19, Available 2024-09, Notes: 16x6

Product: OLSW72
Botanical Name: Olea 'Frantz Fruitless' multi
Common Name: Fruitless Olive
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

25'tall. Fruitless ornamental evergreen tree, soft green-gray foliage, willow-like appearance. Rarely produces pollen or fruit. Full sun. Little water.

Crop #167784, Location 17-19, Available 2023-07, Notes: 6.5x5.5

Product: PICH72
Botanical Name: Pistacia chinensis
Common Name: Pistacia chinensis
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

30-60'tall and wide. Dome shaped, vase-like decidious tree. Leaves turn brilliant orange to red in Fall. Sun. Regular water.

Crop #156227, Location 17-19, Available 2021-06, Notes: 18x10x6

Crop #167059, Location 13-3, Available 2022-06, Notes: 20x14x10

Product: QUAM72
Botanical Name: Quercus agrifolia multi
Common Name: Quercus agrifolia multi
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

70'x100'tall and wide. Evergreen with leathery, tooth edged, holly-like leaves. Large, spreading tree. Full sun. Special care with watering.

Crop #165079, Location 13-N, Available 2022-02, Notes: 16x14.5

Product: QUAS72
Botanical Name: Quercus agrifolia std.
Common Name: Quercus agrifolia std.
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

70'x100'tall and wide. Evergreen with leathery, tooth edged, holly-like leaves. Large, spreading tree. Full sun. Special care with watering.

Crop #151728, Location 13-4, Available 2020-03, Notes: 18.5x10x5.75

Crop #156125, Location 17-19, Available 2021-06, Notes: 22x9.5x7

Crop #177714, Location 17-19, Available 2024-09, Notes: 20x6.5x5

Product: QULO72
Botanical Name: Quercus lobata
Common Name: Valley Oak - Decidious
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

75'x75'tall and wide. Picturesque California valley oak. Largest oak in North America.Tolerates high heat.Fast grower. Special care in watering.

Crop #177434, Location 17-19, Available 2024-08, Notes: 20x5.5x5

Product: QUSU72
Botanical Name: Quercus suber
Common Name: Quercus suber
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

70'x100'tall and wide. Mediterranean native, producer of cork material. Evergreen with shiny green leaves. Moderate grower. Sun. Regular water.

Crop #154288, Location 13-5, Available 2020-08, Notes: 20.5x12.5x9

Product: QUVI72
Botanical Name: Quercus virginiana
Common Name: Quercus virginiana
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

50'x100'tall and wide. Fast grower with a low,wide spreading crown. Used as a shade tree. The acorns are sweet, sought by wildlife. Sun. Regular water.

Crop #156226, Location 17-19, Available 2021-05, Notes: 24x10x9

Crop #159811, Location 13-S, Available 2021-04, Notes: 18.5x9.5x6

Product: SEAP72
Botanical Name: Sequoia s. 'Aptos Blue'
Common Name: Sequoia s. 'Aptos Blue'
Product Size: 72"
Category: TREES

70'x20'tall and wide. Fast growing blue-green redwood, 3-5 feet per year of growth. Fabulous appearance and woody fragrance. Sun. Regular water

Crop #173657, Location 17-19, Available 2024-08, Notes: 25x7