Frantz Nursery Crop Photos

Product: BEAT05
Botanical Name: Berberis t. 'Atropurpurea'
Common Name: Japanese Barberry
Product Size: #05
Category: SHRUBS

5'x5' tall and wide.Red/orange leaves on graceful arching branches. Fall color prior to leaf drop. Tough and tolerant. Sun/half shade. Regular water.

Crop #153554, Location 1-21, Available 2021-01, Notes: 16x10

Crop #155544, Location 25-1, Available 2021-04, Notes: 18x20

Crop #168329, Location 16-7, Available 2023-02, Notes: 10x12

Crop #168333, Location 16-8, Available 2023-02, Notes: 12x12

Crop #175461, Location 8-2, Available 2024-05, Notes: 16x14

Crop #178585, Location 28-22, Available 2024-10, Notes: 8x8