Frantz Nursery Crop Photos

Product: LAMS24
Botanical Name: Lag. 'Muskogee' std. Lavender
Common Name: Crape Myrtle
Product Size: #24
Category: TREES

25'x12'tall and wide. Light lavender flowers adorn this small tree for many Summer months.Interesting bark and beautiful Fall colors.Sun. Moderate water

Crop #160924, Location 17-16, Available 2021-10, Notes: 9.6x3.5x1.50

Crop #162528, Location 12-1, Available 2022-05, Notes: 10x3x1.50

Crop #167121, Location 12-5, Available 2022-06, Notes: 8.5x3x1.50

Crop #167728, Location 17-17, Available 2023-02, Notes: 14x3.5x1.75

Crop #172719, Location 17-16, Available 2023-11, Notes: 9.5x3x1

Crop #173933, Location 12-3, Available 2024-04, Notes: 9x2.5x1.25

Crop #175669, Location 12-3, Available 2024-05, Notes: 8x1.5x1

Crop #177842, Location 12-4, Available 2024-08, Notes: 8x1.5x1