Frantz Nursery Crop Photos

Product: MOIR05
Botanical Name: Dietes iridioides
Common Name: African Iris
Product Size: #05
Category: SHRUBS

2'-3'tall and wide. Perennial bladed upright flowering plant. White flowers with orange and brown blotches, Spring to Fall. Sun. Regular water

Crop #165575, Location 1-29, Available 2022-03, Notes: 26x18

Crop #166636, Location 25-3, Available 2022-08, Notes: 22x16

Crop #171475, Location 1-24, Available 2023-10, Notes: 16x16

Crop #175000, Location 1-22, Available 2024-07, Notes: 12x12

Crop #178373, Location 16-9, Available 2024-11, Notes: 14x14

Crop #178476, Location 16-1, Available 2024-11, Notes: 14x12

Crop #178938, Location 28-22, Available 2024-12, Notes: 14x14

Crop #178939, Location 28-21, Available 2025-01, Notes: 14x14

Crop #179035, Location 1-20, Available 2025-01, Notes: 14x12

Crop #180379, Location 28-15, Available 2025-01, Notes: 16x14