Frantz Nursery Crop Photos

Product: PIWH05
Botanical Name: Pittosporum t. 'Wheelers Dwarf
Common Name: Pittosporum t. 'Wheelers Dwarf
Product Size: #05
Category: SHRUBS

3'x5'tall and wide. Evergreen broadleaf perennial with a medium growth habit. Leatherlike dark green leaves. Sun/part shade. Regular water.

Crop #161276, Location 16-4, Available 2022-09, Notes: 14x18

Crop #161681, Location 25-16, Available 2021-08, Notes: 12x16

Crop #168633, Location 9-11, Available 2022-09, Notes: 12x18

Crop #177177, Location 9-9, Available 2024-09, Notes: 8x14